
Friday, 9 January 2015

Start a Rememberlutions Jar

Whether New Year Resolutions is your thing or not, a Rememberlutions Jar may be perfect for you!

It's basically a jar filled with memories/ accomplishments you'd like to remember over the 12 months.
Then on New Year's eve, you will read the little notes in the jar which could possibly make you feel warm and fuzzy inside or maybe even cry a little reading it. 

All you need is a jar (of any size/ shape) to get started. Raid your pantry- I'm sure you will have old jam jars etc.

You could personalise it by decorating it with glitter, washi tape or anything that tickles your fancy.
If you want it plain and simple, you could leave it as it is!

Let your creative juices flow (;

Mine was rather simple; I wasn't feeling crafty that day.. I tore off a wrapper to scribble on before sticking it with dark blue washi tape. Then tied a ribbon around the jar.


On a side note, I also started an Adventure Fund mid last year which I never got round to blog about.. Well at least, I attempted to take a picture but yeah it's way way overdue from Oct 2014 oops. (and yes I told myself to be generous to my own Adventure Fund lol)

Will you start a Rememberlutions Jar? Please share with me pictures if you do!
What else can you do with old jars other than the above?

Link up: TreasureTromp