I'm trying to complete these things which are of top priority (also, this is an excuse to make a to-do list)
Things to do by end of December 2014
- Finish reading Hector and the Search for Happiness
- Seat down and write (been putting this off, I'm not ready for all that feels and words just yet which is why I've been weight down by these chunks of thoughts from the 'figuring out' period)
- Send email
- Learn 1 song on the ukulele
- Declutter/ organise my room
- Meet friends + spend quality time with family
I've been working a lot in December deliberately so as not to coop up then sinking into my thoughts. It's working well, so good move there (to a certain extend). Yesterday, this unreasonable customer just had to show such bad attitude and I'm still so mad and disgusted ugh.
Not gonna let her bad vibes rub onto me. END.