
Sunday, 19 April 2015

Across the Causeway

Off we went to JB on Tuesday~
So glad Wany agreed readily when I asked her some time in Feb. After we settled on the day, she took a day off from work and I, counted down to the holidays. There were so much going on in school and I got tired of everything; tutorials after lectures and assignments after assignments and more assignments. When the last trimester begins next month, work life will be inching nearer and nearer yet here I am still unsure of so many things. I'm so tired even thinking about it. The only things that are certain are the possibilities and the chances if not risks. The risks to take and the courage you need to chase after your dreams even when you are uncertain what lies on the other side. I wish I am courageous. It's funny how every post here links back to uncertainty and thoughts about whats next after graduation. I digress.... 

The Red House

Lovin' the old school flower railings

The heat was unbearable, spotted Maco Vintage and went in to quench our thirst

Got an ice blended peppermint mocha 

The facade of Maco Vintage. It's huge and spacious inside 
(didnt snap pictures of the interior though)

Some mama shop down the street

This ham & cheese toast is simple yet comfortingly gooood! 

A must try at Faculty of Caffeine: BANA-NUT. 
Would kill for some right now!!

It's funny how you always see this everywhere but in Singapore lol 

IT Roo's famous chicken chop...was just so-so

Took a video too, stay tuned for that!

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