
Saturday, 14 June 2014

Long overdue ketchup sesh

Spend the afternoon catching up with Khai back in May before she left for Japan! (haven't seen her since Jan) Funny how our worries were the same ones we had at the start of the year. In fact those are still issues for us. Growing up problems. Le sigh.

Student priced movie tickets for her too *yay* after the man behind the counter asked if she's a student- to which I exclaimed she's the same age. 

Thank you for the gifts! Lurveee them! You always give the best gifts/ presents. 

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Lovely letters: May

Admittedly, it's hard to keep up with the events occurring in my life which I'd like to pen down. I should probably stop doing nothing and channel my time wisely to get things like these done. But honestly, I get a whole lot of pleasure moping around and idling. There's just some sort of joy in that. Do you feel me?

Anyway, back in May I came across this snail mailing exchange, Lovely Letters and decided to join cos I've always loved receiving handwritten letters! I was paired up with Sarah.

The back of the envelop was plastered with cutesy printed washi tape which made all so excited and happy! 

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Sunday, 1 June 2014

The first post is always an awkward post

So I've been thinking of creating a fresh new blog to document my life and whats not. Here it is after 2 weeks of contemplation. (I like to take my time to think through and consider the pros and cons before coming to a decision which may or may not be a good thing. Let's leave that story for another day.) Forced myself to create it today since it's the start of a new month; 1st June- which also means we are halfway into 2014! 


I'll promise to update this as frequently as possible and not leave it stagnant. Please bare with me while I get this looking nice. Okay back to my readings and preparing for the 'Privacy and the Public Interest' presentation on Thursday mehh. Oh dear there's assignments and datelines one after the other again even though there's a one week break next week. #whatsnew. Okaiii I NEED to stop procrastinating. Bye!